Thursday, October 20, 2011

A really good try

I must admit, watching him play football this year was amazing (he is the medium monster in the back, yelow top white pants getting up off the ground).  Not because he was sooooo awesome (Just like Justin), but because he put up such a resistance to playing in the first place.  He did NOT want to play football.  As a matter of fact, last year he had a panic attack on the first day of practice.  But this year (with the aid of some persistent parenting) he took that first step on the field, met a friend from school, a cousin, and an uncle coaching the team.  He got to this place.... a place he did not want to go.  But when he got there he was surrounded by love and guidance.  He loves football now. 

Maybe I can take a leap of faith, and end up falling in Love's arms.  

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