Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Let our minds be filled with Peace and Love!

Great are our minds!  We are sending and receiving thoughts at every moment of our lives, even when we are sleeping.  Let us,  at all times, make a DECISION to think as many positive thoughts as we can.  Thoughts vibrate throughout the entire universe and pass through other minds that are in harmony with those thoughts.  We increase peace and love in the world by holding thoughts of peace and love and subsequently performing acts rooted in peace and love.  God tells us to "pray without ceasing".  In that way we empower the world and give light to the darkness that shadows the children of God and blinds them from the light and the truth. 

Thursday, October 20, 2011

A really good try

I must admit, watching him play football this year was amazing (he is the medium monster in the back, yelow top white pants getting up off the ground).  Not because he was sooooo awesome (Just like Justin), but because he put up such a resistance to playing in the first place.  He did NOT want to play football.  As a matter of fact, last year he had a panic attack on the first day of practice.  But this year (with the aid of some persistent parenting) he took that first step on the field, met a friend from school, a cousin, and an uncle coaching the team.  He got to this place.... a place he did not want to go.  But when he got there he was surrounded by love and guidance.  He loves football now. 

Maybe I can take a leap of faith, and end up falling in Love's arms.  

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Professor's birthday party!

So happy to see Professor and Burn One tonight.  HAPPY BIRTHDAY PRO!  Met a lot of great people tonight.  I thank God that I'm able to give someone a good word at a time for them that's relevent to their current hardship. SET THE CAPTIVES FREE!  Burn's wife Valentina told me I should be a life coach!  Too funny! 

Is God a man or a woman?

God is a spirit (John 4:24), but His nature contains within itself masculine and feminine qualities.  In the book of Genesis,  "God made man in his image, in the image of God created he them, male and female created he them".  If the image made was male and female, what was the original?  Male and female ofcourse!   Even though God has within Himself masculine and feminine energy,  God cannot be summed up as a man or a woman, for God is a spirit.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Good Thoughts get gas from Emotion

I was watching Joel Osteen tonight. I really dig that brother. He's not gonna spend 30 minutes quoting scripture (he already said he's not that type of guy), but you'll feel pretty pumped up after listening to him. Anyway, he brought up Psalm 37:4. It reads "Delight thyself also in the Lord; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart". Anyone who knows me has probably figured out that I am a firm believer in DIY. Making your own choices, taking responsibility for your own life, and changing yourself, from the inside out. Believing that, I immediately felt as though this was to tell all of us "delight thyself...", or, create in yourself delight. Is that hard? Have you ever had a thought about an old friend? A fond memory of a time you spent away some place special with someone you love? A funny thing a pet of yours did? Even though the moment may have been long past, that thought, when it arose in your mind, gave you that same feeling you had then, as though it had just happened. Who put that thought in your head? You! As a creator, created in the image and likeness of the only creator there is, you can originate thoughts. Why not originate thoughts that are of a nature that will generate instantaneous joy, or pleasure. Phillippians 4:8 "Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things [are] honest, whatsoever things [are] just, whatsoever things [are] pure, whatsoever things [are] lovely, whatsoever things [are] of good report; if [there be] any virtue, and if [there be] any praise, think on these things". But then take it step further, and let that thought be coupled with positive emotion. Emotion is the gas that fuels the thought. The better u feel when u imagine good things and hold your vision in your mind, the more power you give to your thoughts.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

My Saturday afternoon read with the babies!

Originally, I started out trying to force my two youngest boys to take a nap. My four year old, Christian, grabs this little book that my wife picked up called "I Am Small". I read that book four times, he read it 2 times and my 6 year old read it once. I must admit, I was floored listening to them read this book. Especially Christian (who did a good job memorizing more so than reading). Julian does an excellent job really reading, and it's nice to see him read to his younger brother!

Written and illustrated by Surrey, England resident Emma Dodd, the book is about a baby penguin who, observing his outside world, realizes how small he is in comparison to it, but how large and important he is in his mother's eyes. I'm in love with this book! If you have kids that are just beginning to read, this book is excellent. The illustrations, use of textures (silver lining throughout), and it's sweet sweet little penguin made this so good I had to write about it.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

The once a year post.

So sad that I have had this blog for 3 years and I only have 3 posts!