Friday, February 6, 2009

Square One

  I've wanted to start a blog for quite some time now.  I went to the library here in East Point and checked out a few books on doing a vlog, talked to friends and probably spent way to much time on looking for ideas.  But today, for whatever reason, seemed like the day to start.  JJ has been encouraging me to get to it, but it just hasn't felt right.  I didn't know where to start.  In the past, not knowing where to start kept me from getting all kinds of great ideas into motion.  But I don't have that problem any more.  I'm excited about journaling my life.  Especially now with so many cool things going on.  My debut EP is dropping on ITunes on the 14th, I've got a song on Cee-Lo's much anticipated solo album, and a few other projects I'm excited about but can't yet speak on.  It's a good time to be alive.

Well, the rum & coke is beckoning me.   Not to drink again, but to go to sleep.

I get up really early, and typically work pretty late.  But tonight, 11:22 is turn in time.  Good night and please stick with me on this ride.  I'm in the building now, waiting on my elevator to go up, and I want some company as I ride to the top.

Join me!

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