Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day!

I just wanted to wish everyone a very Happy Valentine.  This is a super sweet day indeed.  Golden Eye Boat Ride is on Itunes today!  I intended to release this record today in honor of my father.  His birthday is today, and he was a musician as well.  My father played bass with many legendary musicians including Otis Redding, B.B. King, Bobby Blue Bland, Piano Red, and many other blues and jazz cats back in the day.  He was 70 when he died in 1982 and I was 7 years old at the time.  I really missed him growing up, and I know he would have had a profound impact on my future as a musician as well, had I had the chance to soak him up like my older brother and sister did.  I remember him taking me to get drum lessons from this cat named Byron, I was a young chap with much rhythm.  Rama pointed that out one day.  He said "Man your older brother sisters were on the horns, and your dad put you on the drums, he must have saw something different in you".  I tend to believe that.  I do look great on those drums though, don't I?!?!  My mom said he was on a record with an old blues cat named Piano Red.  I don't know the album, or the song, but I wish I could find it.  I've always wanted to find any remnants of my dad's musical career archived away somewhere.  She also told me he could play any style he had to, and often did.  But after he died, my mom, with no money and 5 kids, sold alot of his gear to get some cash to take care of us.  She did what she had to do.  Anyway, in honor of you, Thomas Couleen LaGon, I dedicate this record to you daddy.  I love you so much, I know you hear me, and I miss you.

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