Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day!

I just wanted to wish everyone a very Happy Valentine.  This is a super sweet day indeed.  Golden Eye Boat Ride is on Itunes today!  I intended to release this record today in honor of my father.  His birthday is today, and he was a musician as well.  My father played bass with many legendary musicians including Otis Redding, B.B. King, Bobby Blue Bland, Piano Red, and many other blues and jazz cats back in the day.  He was 70 when he died in 1982 and I was 7 years old at the time.  I really missed him growing up, and I know he would have had a profound impact on my future as a musician as well, had I had the chance to soak him up like my older brother and sister did.  I remember him taking me to get drum lessons from this cat named Byron, I was a young chap with much rhythm.  Rama pointed that out one day.  He said "Man your older brother sisters were on the horns, and your dad put you on the drums, he must have saw something different in you".  I tend to believe that.  I do look great on those drums though, don't I?!?!  My mom said he was on a record with an old blues cat named Piano Red.  I don't know the album, or the song, but I wish I could find it.  I've always wanted to find any remnants of my dad's musical career archived away somewhere.  She also told me he could play any style he had to, and often did.  But after he died, my mom, with no money and 5 kids, sold alot of his gear to get some cash to take care of us.  She did what she had to do.  Anyway, in honor of you, Thomas Couleen LaGon, I dedicate this record to you daddy.  I love you so much, I know you hear me, and I miss you.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Records Records Records!!!

It's Sunday night, and it's less than 6 days until take-off. On the 14th of the this month, my record will be on Itunes and a few other online retailers, and I'm in brain-prep mode. I've been rehearsing Criket alot, and I think I will end up doing an acoustic version of that song.  Cee-Lo loves that record, and I would love to have him on an acoustic remix. I hear nothing but good things about the songs, and most people say that they haven't heard anything like it before. I have had one or two cats tell me "Man you sound like Hootie!" , but I don't really mind that. I just hope I come out and do some Hootie numbers. I won't complain about that at all. JJ has been getting all the college radio stuff together, and I want to make sure I've done all I need to do on my end too. I've been in the studio working alot in the midst of all this stuff, so it's been a test in time management. 

Diamond from Crime Mobb just recorded "Superbad", and I've been trying to get some more tracks done for her. That song was done originally with Sophia Fresh and released on the west coast, but I was told they were going with another single so.... I think Diamond is gonna kill it though. In the new version of the record, I flew Cee-Lo around on there more, so he is pretty much the hook on the record now, and it feels harder with Diamond on it.

I'm also in the middle of trying to do something extraordinary for Cee-Lo's solo album. I've already got one song on there, but I want more. I find myself mentally in a place where I feel I need to excel. I want to surpass any of my past work and deliver something truly great for him. A hit single. It's onmost silly to approach it that way, but if you don't ask, you don't receive. So, I want a single. I was told that the album will be launching in June, which is better than when I originally heard it was going to be in September. He's working with some other really dope producers, and I know the record is going to be special.  

Grammys are tonight, and I'm really looking forward to it.  Seems it's going to be more performances this year than ever, and I'm really looking forward to seeing Radiohead. 

Anyway, on Monday morning, get back to work!!!

Friday, February 6, 2009

Square One

  I've wanted to start a blog for quite some time now.  I went to the library here in East Point and checked out a few books on doing a vlog, talked to friends and probably spent way to much time on looking for ideas.  But today, for whatever reason, seemed like the day to start.  JJ has been encouraging me to get to it, but it just hasn't felt right.  I didn't know where to start.  In the past, not knowing where to start kept me from getting all kinds of great ideas into motion.  But I don't have that problem any more.  I'm excited about journaling my life.  Especially now with so many cool things going on.  My debut EP is dropping on ITunes on the 14th, I've got a song on Cee-Lo's much anticipated solo album, and a few other projects I'm excited about but can't yet speak on.  It's a good time to be alive.

Well, the rum & coke is beckoning me.   Not to drink again, but to go to sleep.

I get up really early, and typically work pretty late.  But tonight, 11:22 is turn in time.  Good night and please stick with me on this ride.  I'm in the building now, waiting on my elevator to go up, and I want some company as I ride to the top.

Join me!