Sunday, August 12, 2012

Happy Times at Cape San Blas.

So awesome spending another vacation on the Cape. This has got to be one of my most favorite places in the world to be. I've found a new love, fishing! There is something about eating something you pulled from the sea that is so primal and fulfilling. We went to Panama City Beach but didn't really enjoy it. It was raining like a monsoon was off the coast. We have been here a week already and will be here another week so maybe we will make it back. It has been raining a lot and folks around here say it hasn't done it like this in over 30 years. Glad for the breaks though, we've made the best of it and still ended up with some great tabs! I'm super chocolate right now by the way. I dream of owning a home here and I believe it's gonna happen in the near future because I already see it and this place gives me so much joy. Desire and a firm faith coupled with a clear mental picture in harmony with God (good) makes stuff happen. So see you at the housewarming soon!

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