Monday, September 10, 2012

Gary Noble Show: Music Mondays - “”Left Right Left“-Couleen LaGon

Gary Noble Show: Music Mondays - “”Left Right Left“-Couleen LaGon:                                                                Gary Noble Show

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Time To Hit The RESET BUTTON! Back to 2 key principles.

Most of my life, I've been searching for and studying God and mysticism and the occult. For the last 6 or 7 years I have been studying the bible, books and lectures about the mind and transforming your life by changing your thinking.  Emerson, Holmes, Wattles, Nightingale, Peale,  Haanel and many others have been my companions.  I've spent a lot of time sharing what I have discovered with others.  It has helped many people and some of which continue to turn to me for a good word in a time of need.  Much of this study has been backed by practice, and to some degree I have seen drastic changes in my life, the lives of others and the world around me.  But.....   I feel like I hit a brick wall a few months ago.  I have found that when I began to read books on the subject, I tend to put them down quickly.  My mind is so full and sometimes I feel overwhelmed by the amount of knowledge I have acquired, yet I feel like I should be much further ahead in my experience (whatever that may be). When I do my own self-examination, I realize one thing.  Putting a few key principles into practice in your life (in increments, over time, as they are absorbed and understood) is far more important than soaking up a multitude of ideas and burning yourself out.  So, I'm hitting the reset button.  I am practicing two KEY principles at the moment, forgiveness and reconciliation combined with art of no complaining.

Fly Free!!!

Forgiveness and Reconciliation stands out mainly because of some personal issues I am going through with a member of my own family who hurt me deeply.  I first heard this phrase from Oprah, who said she got it from Nelson Mandela.  I have contemplated the use of this simple philosophy in my life for a few days, and I started taking some necessary steps to eliminate the pressure on my spirit from unresolved conflict with others.  It is liberating.  Not looking for an answer to why so-and-so did or said this or that and just saying, I forgive you and I want us to move forward in peace by the most productive and loving way possible is helping to set my mind free.  

The Art of No Complaining is an oldie but goodie.  I've been here before, but because of some outside forces that I have allowed to creep back into my consciousness, I will re-visit this principle for the next 30 days until I can wipe the slate clean again.  Complaining is a disease.  It does not have one redeeming quality about it.  It is degenerative in it's nature and it does not build power into our conversation.  On the contrary, it takes power from us.  When we complain, we are no longer a reflection, the image and likeness of our creator, Love.  We are not using creative thought, and we are not building up others around us but tearing them down.  There are typically no solutions in the conversation you are having with the other person (or yourself) and none will be found.  So, as I said, starting tomorrow I will stop myself the minute I find any conversation leaning into complaining about anyone or any situation in my life or the life of someone else.  I will make it a point to even stop anyone who finds it necessary to complain to me.  

That's it.  Time for the reset button.  Two key practices, one fundamental idea.  That we can change our world by changing our mind.  Why?  Because thought comes from mind.  Thought dictates actions, and actions dictate circumstances and circumstances shapes our experiences which define what we think is our world.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Happy Times at Cape San Blas.

So awesome spending another vacation on the Cape. This has got to be one of my most favorite places in the world to be. I've found a new love, fishing! There is something about eating something you pulled from the sea that is so primal and fulfilling. We went to Panama City Beach but didn't really enjoy it. It was raining like a monsoon was off the coast. We have been here a week already and will be here another week so maybe we will make it back. It has been raining a lot and folks around here say it hasn't done it like this in over 30 years. Glad for the breaks though, we've made the best of it and still ended up with some great tabs! I'm super chocolate right now by the way. I dream of owning a home here and I believe it's gonna happen in the near future because I already see it and this place gives me so much joy. Desire and a firm faith coupled with a clear mental picture in harmony with God (good) makes stuff happen. So see you at the housewarming soon!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

August 28th The Album Drops!

I'm excited about music again. I'm excited about many artists I'm listening to right now, I'm excited about the direction of my own music (I signed my distribution deal about 2 weeks ago and I even got a dog running around the house these days. Happy and happier at times. Thank you Father for mercy and grace.
I look forward to the album dropping in August and happier to be working with the 333 Music University and Infrooves-Fontana families! Support systems are necessary to success. They are believers of the best kind.
Love you all and peace and blessing over your lives.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

It's all gonna be okay

There is something about the cold when it hits you and you are not prepared for it. The immediate shock of the unexpected. The blast of air that jolts your bones. The "I wish I had more than a t-shirt" voice. Back of all those thoughts (which happened simultaneously it seemed) is the assurance that when you turn around, your gonna walk back through that door and be warm again.  I see many similarities between that train of thought and faith.  Believing it's all gonna be okay regardless of what the present moment feels like is paramount.  "Do not be concerned with outwardly appearances" is one of my favorite bible quotes.  You can be out, in the cold, and feeling any number of uncomfortable feelings, but, if you wrap your mind around the fact that if you turn around, the warm, welcoming arms of our Father is waiting to wrap you up, soon that faith will manifest into reality if we are patient and firm in that faith.