Tuesday, January 3, 2012

It's all gonna be okay

There is something about the cold when it hits you and you are not prepared for it. The immediate shock of the unexpected. The blast of air that jolts your bones. The "I wish I had more than a t-shirt" voice. Back of all those thoughts (which happened simultaneously it seemed) is the assurance that when you turn around, your gonna walk back through that door and be warm again.  I see many similarities between that train of thought and faith.  Believing it's all gonna be okay regardless of what the present moment feels like is paramount.  "Do not be concerned with outwardly appearances" is one of my favorite bible quotes.  You can be out, in the cold, and feeling any number of uncomfortable feelings, but, if you wrap your mind around the fact that if you turn around, the warm, welcoming arms of our Father is waiting to wrap you up, soon that faith will manifest into reality if we are patient and firm in that faith.