Friday, July 10, 2009

JULY!?!?!??!?! Long time no post!

It's the morning of the 10th of July, and I'm on my second cup of coffee. I thought it would be a good day to get back on this blog thing I started, and get caught up on all the stuff that's going on. I've been really really busy lately, and I think I should make some time a little more often to keep up with this thing.

Anyway. All is well here. I shot the video for my single "Left Right Left" with super-dope Director Devaughn Hughson on my birthday back in May. The video is still getting edited, and I can't wait to see it. Superbad is out in the streets, and I hope Warner goes on and pushes the radio button on it and get that thing crackin everywhere! I heard it was playing in Columbus, Ga., Charlotte, and a few other cities in the southeast, but I want to hear it all over the radio in Atlanta. I'm getting the college radio promo stuff together for my own record, and I'm rehearsing now to get ready for some shows in the fall.


I recently had a song that I produced and co-wrote placed in a movie! The movie is called Sorority Row, and the song is called "Alcholic". It's a record I did with some friends of mine, a group called Cash Crop, from Kentucky. So look out for it, Here is the link to the site:

Check it out!!

New songs coming soon so stay posted young monkies!!