Sunday, May 10, 2009

Where have I been?

It's Mothers Day. Ari and I are watching Desperate Housewives and I realized it's been a long, long time since I posted anything on my blog. I have been extremely busy lately and I understand I don't have enough time to myspace, facebook, blog, twitter and everything else. I stay working and family life is hectic.... and blah blah blah. I need to be honest and just schedule my time more efficiently.

Anyway, just to do an update because I don't know when I'll post another, Superbad has been re-recorded, polished, re-arranged, mixed and mastered. It was on the Core Dj's Mixshow hotlist for the week of May 7th, and its charting BDS too. I'm excited about it getting out to the world. Diamond killed it, and it looks like the internet is buzzing about it. With this record being my first commercial release, it's a milestone in my career, and something I've been expecting for some time.

A few other things have bubbled up, including some movie and DVD placements, and hopefully a signing to my production company. Let you know soon!